Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors

"I know I've yanked myself fist fulls of hair dealing with more than my share of idijits.  Tell this twitchy, itchy SOB to pack its sorry ass back to Scabville.  I've done the research; it's gonna be a hard beast to evict, but each day y'keep it away is a victory.  I'll stand right here with the rock salt locked and loaded."


"Often called the Cruel Mystery, this monster is more than an oddity at The Mystery Spot.  Don't let your life turn into a series of Tuesdays.  The on-again-off-again nature of this fickle fiend can make ya think you're chasin' your tail.  Get yer facts straight and know I'm coverin' yer six."

Anorexia Nervosa

"Being eaten from the inside out ain't no way to live.  This monster straight up lies to yer face no matter what ya see in the mirror. It's time to quit buyin' what it's sellin' and get to gankin'.  There are people who cherish you; hell, I'm one of 'em.  You ain't on this hunt alone.  I'll rally an army if need be, but we'll beat this together.  That's what family is here for, kid."

Family vs. Deployment

"Shipping out ain't just about the person deployin'; it throws a wrench in the works fer those you're leaving in yer wake.  There's a mess of hunters who've been on the same trip and know the lay of the land.  Let yer brothers and sisters lend a hand and help guide ya through, kid, 'cause Family don't end with blood."

Weight Issues/Body Image

"When ya look in the mirror and don't see what ya like, it can mess with yer head.  Don't buy into the lie; that dog won't hunt.  Stayin' healthy means stayin' strong.  Let's send this monster packin' so fast it'll make its head spin.  "

*see Diet


"My boys've had a hard time feelin' out what's real more than a time or two.  When yer own eyes and mind are playing tricks on ya, it's hard to find the truth.  This monster warps reality and anyone'll fall prey to it.  Don't quit swingin' till you can see yer way clear again.  I'll keep ya grounded."