


I'm declaring a victory, I have won a harsh battle. A battle I never thought I'd have to fight. 2013 was my high school freshman year, I wasn't all that popular, but I had my group.. I met this guy and became friends with him.. He developed a crush on me but I didn't return the feelings. After time and time again of me turning him down, I guess he snapped, because one day after school hours he lured me to a secluded area on school property, claiming he wanted to talk privately. I used to blame myself for being so gullible, he then sexually assaulted me at knife point. I was never the same after that, he moved schools and i had to stay for months after. The students made fun of me, to the point where I dropped out. But it's now 2016 and I can finally say I am okay. I can say I'm happy. I got a GED, I'm currently job hunting and saving money for college. And I have amazing people that support me. I used to think nothing could ever get better, but it did. And I feel that a lot of my healing came from watching Supernatural. Whenever I felt sad and alone, I would watch SPN and it helped me cope. It helped me see that there is so much to be happy for, the Winchesters taught me how to never give up no matter how bad things get. They taught me to look at all the good things. The Winchesters, Supernatural, the cast and the fandom. They have my deepest gratitude! Thank you for helping me through it all!!