


I just had foot surgery finally I been dealing with my issue since last August just so glad to have this finally taken care of. I did have some problems coming out of it I couldn't breath when I woke up but other than that I'm glad to have it done




So I recently moved to Florida..in the beginning it was so hard. I could not find a job..I had no one. I found my wonderful boyfriend..got a really good job at a nursing home, and now I am having a baby. Never thought it was going to turn out like this.




One of my kitties, Spitfire, who I had since he was a week old, whom I raised one an eye dropper when his mother was killed, died 11 days ago. He was 10 years old. God I loved that cat. We decided to have him cremated. Yesterday I had to go pick up his ashes. I cried my heart out, again, when I saw the little jar that held his ashes. Once I calmed down enough to leave I drove around for 45 minutes and reminiscence about all the memories I had with him. When I got home I felt such a deep sense of closure.  I will always miss him, but for now the grief is more bearable.




Hi so this past year (2015) has been pretty rough. I lost someone to cancer ,our neighbour and great friend was diagnosed with cancer. I was bullied, i cut for the first time ( I have stopped ) and I was pretty sad. My mother can barely pay the bills because my dad ran away from us. No one has had news from him this. year and my mother dosent have legal custody over me. So thats extra money she has to spend. Sometimes its hard and I would like to see him but the same thing happend for my step-sister ( we have the same dad) so I realized he dosent care. But I know we can get throught this. We have great friend who offered to each pay a part of the cost of the procedure. I have great friends myself that I know will always be by my side. And I have a great mother that I love with all my heart ❤️




I'm declaring a victory, I have won a harsh battle. A battle I never thought I'd have to fight. 2013 was my high school freshman year, I wasn't all that popular, but I had my group.. I met this guy and became friends with him.. He developed a crush on me but I didn't return the feelings. After time and time again of me turning him down, I guess he snapped, because one day after school hours he lured me to a secluded area on school property, claiming he wanted to talk privately. I used to blame myself for being so gullible, he then sexually assaulted me at knife point. I was never the same after that, he moved schools and i had to stay for months after. The students made fun of me, to the point where I dropped out. But it's now 2016 and I can finally say I am okay. I can say I'm happy. I got a GED, I'm currently job hunting and saving money for college. And I have amazing people that support me. I used to think nothing could ever get better, but it did. And I feel that a lot of my healing came from watching Supernatural. Whenever I felt sad and alone, I would watch SPN and it helped me cope. It helped me see that there is so much to be happy for, the Winchesters taught me how to never give up no matter how bad things get. They taught me to look at all the good things. The Winchesters, Supernatural, the cast and the fandom. They have my deepest gratitude! Thank you for helping me through it all!!




I've lived a life of struggle from depression to loss of my mom several years ago, to needing to grow up quickly and not really have a childhood, I've been heartbroken and lost some trust in people. But now things have started to be better ive got amazing friends who are there through it all. So I can proudly say I am becoming happier each day. Now life will still have its times where it will knock me down, but I have people to lean on and face life with a more positive attitude. And thus that has been my journey so far.




I suffer with severe depression and anxiety. For the past 8+ months, I've been in a toxic family situation on top of that. I'd been told incredibly cruel things by the people I've trusted the most and it had ripped me apart to the point I was ready to give up and end my life back in August. Through the constant support of my online friends, I pulled through enough to where I could see light. I finally got up enough courage in January to leave the toxic situation I was in and move in with a friend, who also happens to be a part of the Supernatural Family. This year, I've decided to pursue my dreams and my future and not let others take that away from me. One of the harsh lessons, I've learned and I feel it's worth sharing is that no matter what you do (right or wrong) you will never be able to make everyone happy. So take care of yourself, be you and not only will everything start to fall into place, but you'll also feel a huge burden being lifted. Even though I still have my days where I struggle (some definitely worse than others), I can look back and see I've made it this far and what's ahead is far better than what was behind.




I suffer from PTSD- caused by the loss of my first born to a coerced adoption. For many years I didn't understand what was wrong with me- finally a really good therapist asked the right questions. All because my doctor (whom I will forever be grateful to) sent me to her-one day I was sitting at my computer composing my Will-while my three under 11 kids were playing. I realized something was very wrong, I couldn't eat, or sleep, all I did was cry when I was alone. My therapist taught me good coping skills, put me on meds (which I no longer need to take!) and through a ton of talk therapy (three times a week for 6 months then once a week for more than a year, now only occasionally when I feel the need) I saw Jared's campaign and realized I had something to offer others who were going through what I did. Now I Found you- how lucky am I?

Allie Moose


Allie Moose

Hello! It's very nice to come across this tbh.. My hunt consists of this year so far. I have battled my depression and suicidalt thoughts a bit frequently, and they havebeen very successful lately. I'm breathing still <3